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【目的】研究宿主湿度环境对球孢白僵菌致病力的影响,为采取适当防治措施以减少白僵病对蚕茧生产的危害提供参考依据。【方法】以广西象州蚕区球孢白僵菌感染家蚕获得的白僵病蚕尸体,观察不同湿度环境中白僵病蚕尸体形态的变化情况,并每隔15d进行一次分生孢子致病力测试。【结果】在25℃下的3种湿度环境(60%RH、75%RH和90%RH)中,白僵病蚕尸体在同一宿存时间内,球孢白僵菌活力与宿存湿度关系密切,在60%RH中宿存的蚕体保存较完好,60d后仍然可见淡黄白色的分生孢子,尸体质硬;随湿度增加,宿存病原活力逐渐降低。3种湿度条件下球孢白僵菌在2龄病蚕尸体中宿存30d内,对家蚕仍有很强的致病性,其半致死时间(LT50)分别为2.915、3.071和5.222d;在60%~75%RH条件下,宿存45~60d的球孢白僵菌对家蚕仍具有一定的致病力;而在90%RH条件下,宿存45d后球孢白僵菌分生孢子数量急剧下降,无法测定其致病力。【结论】球孢白僵菌在病蚕体中宿存60d内对家蚕的致死率仍然很高,因此及时清除病蚕尸体并使尸体病原性灭活,可降低白僵菌的二次感染。  相似文献   
Pathogenic bacteria belonging to the family Anaplasmataceae include species of the genera Ehrlichia and Anaplasma. Ehrlichia chaffeensis, first known as the causative agent of human monocytic ehrlichiosis, also infects several vertebrate hosts including white-tailed deer, dogs, coyotes and goats. E. chaffeensis is transmitted from the bite of an infected hard tick, such as Amblyomma americanum. E. chaffeensis and other tick-transmitted pathogens have adapted to both the tick and vertebrate host cell environments. Although E. chaffeensis persists in both vertebrate and tick hosts for long periods of time, little is known about that process. Immunological studies will be valuable in assessing how the pathogen persists in nature in both vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. Understanding the host immune response to the pathogen originating from dual host backgrounds is also important to develop effective methods of diagnosis, control and treatment. In this paper, we provide our perspective of the current understanding of the immune response against E. chaffeensis in relation to other related Anaplasmataceae pathogens.  相似文献   
The diet of 745 Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters) of less than 0,5 up to 2000 g wet mass, in Hartbeespoort Dam, was determined from stomach content analysis. Samples of fish were selected to cover a whole annual cycle. Small fish fed initially on zoobenthos and zooplankton, but fish with a mass of over 4 g fed increasingly on Microcystis aeruginosa Kutzing and detritus until these food items formed the dominant food source in O. mossambicus over 8 g. Some cannibalism was encountered in fish up to 64 g in the summer months. The ratio of intestinal length to total length of fish ranged from 0,58 in the smaller fish to 11,02 in larger fish and this indicated that there was an ontogenetic adaptation from a carnivorous to a phytoplanktivorous/detritivorous diet. Feeding in juvenile fish studied over 24 h was found to be most intense in the early morning and late afternoon but remained high throughout daylight hours decreasing considerably at night. The daily ingestion rate of food in O. mossambicus in Hartbeespoort Dam was estimated at 453 mg/g of fish. This comprised 45% M. aeruginosa and 55% detritus. It was apparent that of this matter ingested only a small percentage would be assimilated. Oreochromis mossambicus shows feeding and breeding preadaptations which enable it to successfully exploit a lacustrine environment. These adaptations enable it to maintain a large population in Hartbeespoort Dam despite frequent winter mortalities caused by water temperatures below their tolerance limits.  相似文献   
Powdery scab of potato, once established in a field, is difficult to control because of the longevity of the resting spores (cystosori) of the causal organism, Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. Host resistance is likely to be the most efficient in a long-term control strategy for preventing build-up of field inoculum and spread of the disease. Resistance screening of potato cultivars is mostly done in laborious field trials where disease development is likely to be unpredictable. A bioassay with potato tissue cultured plantlets and cystosori as inoculum is described and was tested for its potential to screen potato cultivars at an early stage for their relative susceptibility to powdery scab by comparing the lab results with field data. With cystosori inoculum of Swiss origin, the laboratory test showed clear differences between the potato cultivars in the severity of zoosporangial root infection which correlated better with ranked tuber infection data, compared to root galling. There are apparent differences in the relative trends in susceptibility between roots and tubers of five selected cultivars when using naturally infested soil instead of prepared cystosori as inoculum in the lab bioassay. Furthermore, differences in the severity of zoosporangial root infection of two selected cultivars were found when cystosori from different countries where used as inoculum. A possible host genotype × pathogen interaction is discussed. The bioassay has the potential to screen and select for resistant material at an early breeding stage thus making field trials not unnecessary but more economical. It will allow the use of a standard set of pathogen collections and facilitate testing for inoculum virulence in infested soils.  相似文献   
Xie W  Wang S  Wu Q  Feng Y  Pan H  Jiao X  Zhou L  Yang X  Fu W  Teng H  Xu B  Zhang Y 《Pest management science》2011,67(1):87-93
BACKGROUND: The polyphagous B‐biotype Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) has developed a high resistance to commonly used insecticides in China. To illustrate the induced changes by host plant, bioassay and biochemical research on five different host populations were investigated. RESULTS: Except for bifenthrin, all tested insecticides showed lower toxicity to the B. tabaci poinsettia population compared with other host populations. Moreover, four insecticides, the exceptions being abamectin and fipronil, showed highest toxicity towards the tomato population. The LC50 values of the poinsettia population, particularly towards acetamiprid, were 14.8‐, 10.3‐ and 7.29‐fold higher than those of tomato, cucumber and cabbage respectively. The CarE activities of B. tabaci cabbage and cucumber populations were all significantly higher than those of poinsettia, cotton and tomato populations. The ratio of the cabbage population was 1.97‐, 1.79‐ and 1.30‐fold higher than that of poinsettia, cotton and tomato respectively. The frequency profiles for this activity also have obvious differences. The GST and P450 activities of the cucumber population were the lowest in the five host populations. CONCLUSION: Long‐term induction of host plants for B‐biotype B. tabaci could influence their susceptibilities to several insecticides. Rational selection and usage of insecticides for particular hosts will be helpful for resistance management and control of this species. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
在温度为25~28 ℃的养虫室内选择具有代表性的菊科植物及豆科、禾本科牧草共10科30种植物对欧洲方喙象进行寄主专一性测定试验,结果表明其食性专一,只取食加拿大蓟,个别成虫或幼虫在饥饿状态下仅少量取食菊科其他植物,但随后即拒绝取食。非选择性试验(饥饿试验)表明欧洲方喙象耐饥饿能力强,不同龄期平均达28 d。欧洲方喙象最适宜的生长温度是25 ℃,高于30 ℃或低于10 ℃,生长发育则受到抑制。  相似文献   
利用“Y”型选择器和草地寄主搜寻试验,就春臀钩土蜂两个品系和日本丽金龟瞥钩土蜂对日本金龟子的搜索能力进行了比较。结果表明,两种土蜂的3个品系对日本金龟子3龄幼虫的存在与否没有表现出明显的辨别能力。虫粪对土蜂搜索寄主有一定的引导作用,但日本丽金龟臀钩土蜂的趋性没有春臀钩土蜂明显。寄主虫体气味与虫粪混合存在比只有虫粪存在更能吸引土蜂。土蜂可以在相隔两个侧臂20cm的距离内感知金龟子幼虫的存在;当寄主与非寄主金龟子同时存在时,不能辨别出寄主;但能通过虫粪辨认寄主所在方向。春臀钩土蜂两个品系对日本金龟子幼虫气味表现出极强的趋性。日本丽金龟臀钩土蜂则受非寄主幼虫气味干扰。草地寄主搜寻试验表明,春臀钩土蜂CH—SD品系仅搜索内开口隧道内幼虫;A—NC品系对隧道的开口没有表现出特殊的选择性。67.5%雌蜂能够感知寄主幼虫的存在并自行挖洞搜索。寄主粪便可以引导土蜂从人工隧道开口进入。网罩内草地上的虫粪可以干扰土蜂对地下寄主位置的判断。  相似文献   

A percentage pod damage of 6.8% in Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. by the bruchid, Caryedon serratus (Olivier) in the field was recorded by examining exit holes on the pods. The mean number of females and males that emerged from 50 pods kept in laboratory were 1.3 and 1.2 respectively. The pods of A. nilotica gathered from the field for seed purposes were found to be infested in small numbers but the bruchid population increased during storage. The infestation of seeds and carry over to stores is not only a danger to uninfested seeds of A. nilotica and other plants, important in social forestry, but the tree also acts as secondary host for the population build‐up of C. serratus which spreads to its primary host, the groundnut, Arachis hypogea (L).  相似文献   
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